
Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Bieling, Hans-Jürgen

Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Challenges, strategies, experiences
Bonn, 2023

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Portugal : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Portugal : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023

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An der Corona-Front

Fontes, Ana Catarina

An der Corona-Front

Die Erfahrungen der Altenpflegekräfte in Portugal
Stockholm, 2021

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On the Corona Frontline

Fontes, Ana Catarina

On the Corona Frontline

The experiences of care workers in Portugal
Stockholm, 2021

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The Portuguese recovery plan

Vieira da Silva, Jose António

The Portuguese recovery plan

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Lisbon, 2021

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Citizen participation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Falanga, Roberto

Citizen participation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Insights from local practices in European cities
Lisbon, 2020

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Housing policies in (the) crisis

Antunes, Gonçalo

Housing policies in (the) crisis

The Troika memorandum and the housing market in Portugal
Lisbon, 2020

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Krise bringt Wende in Portugal

Naumann, Reinhard

Krise bringt Wende in Portugal

unerwartet große Niederlage der Sozialisten
Berlin, 2011

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A renewed partnership?

Gardner, Stephen

A renewed partnership?

The EU-Africa relationship after the EU-Africa Summit in Lisbon
Bruessel;, 2008

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Africa - Europa

Africa - Europa

cooperação académica
Lissabon, 2008, 2009

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Novas tendências na educação e fomação profissional (EFP) na Europa

Valente, Ana Cláudia; Wochnik, Markus

Novas tendências na educação e fomação profissional (EFP) na Europa

a convergência como uma driving force na reforma dos sistemas de EFP nacionais? ; O caso Português
Lissabon, 2008, 2009

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